AJ Group
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Dhaka, Bangladesh

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About AJ Group

In the annals of time, AJ International embarked on its voyage in the illustrious year of 1997, assuming the role of a vendor and sourcing agent nestled within the vibrant tapestry of Bangladesh. From its very inception, this establishment has been steered by a cohort of erudite, seasoned, and consummate professionals who deftly navigate its course. The machinery of progress, adorned with the finest technological advancements, dances harmoniously with the deft hands of skilled artisans, all orchestrated under the baton of adroit management.

This symphony of excellence conducted by the company's proficient leadership has engendered unwavering trust and esteem among its clientele, an ardent testimony to the meticulous quality control and punctual consignments that have become the cornerstone of AJ International's reputation.

Contact & Other Information

[email protected]

+88-02-55028512-4, +88-096-1167-7669, +88-09-611677669

2, Monipuripara ,Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh

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