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Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Muhammad Faruque

7 months ago

service good

dhk bijoy sarker

3 years ago

Very bad

shoriful islam

a year ago


Syed Abdur Rahim

2 years ago

BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) is a non-governmental development organization. Apart from conducting developmental activities across the country at the national level, the organization has also expanded its programs in the international arena. At present, the total population of Bangladesh is about 110 million people, BRAC has brought under its development program. In 1972, Fazle Hasan Abed established BRAC in Shalla area of ​​Sylhet district. It started with relief and resettlement activities of the refugees returned from India after the independence war of Bangladesh. Later, BRAC focused on long-term issues like poverty alleviation and empowerment of poor people in rural Bangladesh. At present, BRAC is conducting its programs aimed at changing the quality of life of poor people through programs such as microcredit, education, health care, human rights, empowerment of women and poor people. BRAC conducts comprehensive medical, nutrition and population programs to address the health care needs of the poor. About 100 million people benefit from BRAC healthcare. Trained health nurses work to increase the health awareness of the poor people in the villages. They also provide training on first aid and prevention of various diseases to the villagers. BRAC is conducting various programs for reproductive health care of BRAC members and rural communities. These include family life education during adolescence, contraception, STD/RTI control measures, knowledge about HIV/AIDS, special health promotion services and health awareness of pregnant mothers and children. Apart from this, BRAC is conducting programs to control tuberculosis and malaria. In addition, BRAC is working on a comprehensive basis to sensitize the population on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene through the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programme. Besides, various programs are being conducted to deal with natural disasters, prevent environmental pollution and climate change. BRAC's other activities include Human Rights and Legal Aid Programmes, Social Development Programmes, Advocacy and Gender Justice and Diversity Programmes. Through these, BRAC is contributing to the protection of human rights, establishment of gender equality and social development. Another important program of BRAC is the ultra-poor programme. The aim of this program is to alleviate poverty through socio-economic progress of the rural poor, especially women-headed ultra-poor families. There is a training department for building good management and skills in development. 20 residential training centers and 2 development management centers have been established under this department. On the other hand, the research and evaluation department is working to provide direction for improving the quality of the program by analyzing various aspects of the projects under implementation. Apart from this, BRAC has Human Resource Department, Communications Department, Internal Audit Department, Inspection Department, Finance Department, Vehicle Department, Construction Department and Procurement and Supply Department to support various programs. These departments provide effective support for the smooth running of core programs of BRAC. BRAC has undertaken several commercial initiatives aimed at linking poor rural producers with expanding markets. Arang, run by BRAC, is playing an important role in reviving endangered crafts and making them self-reliant and prosperous by marketing the products produced by the artisans. In 2002, BRAC expanded its program into the international arena by starting operations in Afghanistan. Currently BRAC is operating in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Liberia, Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Sierra Leone. As an international development organization, it has created a bright image at home and abroad. In 2010, BRAC introduced a new logo as its corporate symbol and is currently taking steps to establish itself as a global brand. At the time of its establishment in 1972, BRAC had an annual budget of Tk 3 million, which was entirely dependent on foreign aid. In 2009, BRAC's annual budget stood at US$ 693.59 million, of which foreign aid accounted for only 20 percent.

Delwar Hossain

a year ago

MD Delwar Hossain

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About BRAC

BRAC, a globally recognized development organization, was established in Bangladesh in 1972. It has since partnered with over 100 million individuals grappling with inequality and poverty, striving to unlock the full potential of every human being.

Renowned for its community-centric and comprehensive approach, BRAC has a distinguished track record of achieving lasting, large-scale impact. The organization collaborates with communities in disadvantaged circumstances, remote areas, and regions affected by disasters, with a special emphasis on the well-being of women and children.

BRAC functions as an integrated solutions network, encompassing a wide array of initiatives, including social development programs, social enterprises, humanitarian response efforts, a financial institution, and an educational institution.

Having its roots in the global south, BRAC has risen to prominence as a world leader in the creation and implementation of cost-efficient, evidence-backed programs. It has consistently garnered recognition as the world's foremost development organization by the independent media organization NGO Advisor, based in Geneva, over the course of several consecutive years.

Contact & Other Information

[email protected]

+88 02 2222 81265

BRAC Centre, 75 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh


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