BRTC Bus service
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Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Samad Talukder

3 years ago

This BRTC AC bus services for Dhaka to Narayanganj public. This service quite good .The buses are new and quality is too good. Air condition is excellent and the seats are very comfortable . You can enjoy a comfortable and safe journey .

Wahid Hossain

4 years ago

Good service but sometimes you will find that a/c is switched off during your traveling times. Another bus "Sheetal Bus Service". They are providing best service rather than BRTC bus. Fare is same for both bus service from Dhaka to Narayanganj (55/- tk)

RaShId AhMeD SaGoR

3 months ago

Poor service


3 years ago

Nishita Nishi

10 months ago

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Contact & Other Information

30 বঙ্গবন্ধু এভিনিউ, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh

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