Pain Cure And Physiotherapy Center
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Dhaka, Bangladesh

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About Pain Cure And Physiotherapy Center

The Pain Cure and Physiotherapy Center provides effective pain management without the use of painkillers. We utilize physical modalities such as manipulation therapy, soft tissue relaxation techniques, and other specialized methods, along with therapeutic equipment like short wave diathermy, microwave diathermy, ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, interferential/TENS therapy, and infrared radiation.

Our center is well-equipped with modern instruments, air conditioning, and separate rooms for male and female patients. We also have female physiotherapists available for female patients. We take a progressive approach to pain treatment by thoroughly assessing your condition, looking beyond the symptoms, and developing a comprehensive action plan. We not only address short-term issues but also specialize in complex and chronic pain management.

Contact & Other Information

[email protected]


Pain cure and physiotherapy centre, 20/5,West Panthapath ,Bir-Uttom Nuruzzaman Sarak,Shohid Colonel Rashid Square(2nd Floor),Dhaka-1205

