TOS Technology LTD
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Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Rakib Ahmed

11 months ago

Tos Technology Limited provided exceptional web development services, delivering a visually appealing and highly functional website that exceeded my expectations.

Tawsif Ahmed

a year ago

Experience was pretty good. Really helpful environment and quality of work was also up to the mark.

Ismail Hossain

a year ago

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About TOS Technology LTD

TOS stands as a vibrant and inventive IT enterprise, forged and nestled in the heart of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Within our ranks thrives a skilled collective of coders, application architects, artistic visionaries, textual architects, wordcrafters, and virtuosos of digital marketing. Our unified efforts are meticulously aimed at furnishing comprehensive, end-to-end solutions for business expansion to patrons spanning the global spectrum.

Embracing an extensive array of IT-centered provisions, our repertoire encompasses an intricate dance of Web Crafting, Hosting Mastery, Guardian Services for Servers, App Innovation, the Digital Promenade, Content Tapestry, and an assorted tapestry of countless more offerings.

Contact & Other Information

[email protected]


House #1103/A, Road No. 1/A, Ring Road, Adabor, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh


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