University of Chittagong
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Chattogram, Chattagram, Bangladesh

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About University of Chittagong

Welcome to the esteemed University of Chittagong (CU), a true gem among Bangladesh's higher education institutions. Established back in 1966, this university has since flourished into a prestigious research-led center of learning, earning recognition for its exceptional teaching, groundbreaking research, and valuable contributions to local, national, and international communities.

CU takes great pride in its continuous pursuit of excellence, striving to enhance both the quality of education and the depth of research. Beyond its impressive academic offerings, the university has invested in remarkable infrastructural developments, showcasing commendable architectural designs that enhance the overall learning experience. As one of the oldest and largest universities in Bangladesh, CU boasts ten faculties, each offering unique and diverse fields of study. From the Faculty of Arts and Humanities to the Faculty of Medicine, a wide array of disciplines is nurtured here.

What sets CU apart is not only its academic prowess but also its distinct campus design, vibrant extracurricular activities, and ecological harmony with the natural surroundings. The university's defining characteristics contribute to creating an enriching environment that fosters holistic development in its students.

Presently, CU has a thriving community of over 27,000 students and a faculty of about 900 well-qualified educators. The university has earned a reputation as one of Bangladesh's leading institutions for quality research, both from its dedicated faculties and post-graduate students. Their commendable work is consistently published in internationally acclaimed research journals, further adding to CU's global recognition.

The students of CU consistently demonstrate their exceptional talents in various domains, achieving top positions in national debates, sports competitions, computer programming challenges, engineering contests, and business idea competitions. The university takes immense pride in its fine student-athletes, who have excelled and brought home medals from national and international multi-sport events.

It is no surprise that an increasing number of students prefer CU for their personal, professional, and academic development. The university has become a beacon of educational excellence and a place where dreams take shape. For all these reasons and more, CU stands as the university of choice for those who seek to build successful and fulfilling careers.

Contact & Other Information

[email protected]

+88 03126-06001

Chittagong-4331, Bangladesh


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