Find all Top Aluminium Companies In Bangladesh
KAI Bangladesh Aluminium Limited
At KAI Bangladesh Aluminium Limited, we focus on producing top-quality aluminium products designed to cater to a wide array of industrial and commercial requirements. Our comprehensive range includes Sliding Doors, Window Sections, Office Partitions, Booth Partitions, Louvers, Casement Sections, Furniture Sections, and more, all meticulously ...
Nikki Thai Aluminium Ind. Ltd.
Nikki Thai Aluminium Industries Ltd. obtained its BSTI license and was included in the PWD (Public Works Department) Schedule of Rates. Since launching the production of Aluminium Sections/Profiles in 2009, the company has experienced continuous growth. In a relatively short time, it has become one ...
Our mission is to contribute to our nation by producing and supplying high-quality aluminum profiles for structural and other applications in a way that is reliable, competitive, and environmentally friendly, ensuring the satisfaction of our customers, shareholders, and employees.